Thursday, 18 October 2007

It's all over!

Well, it's over. The Blade, after being in production for the past year and a half, has...

...Finally gotten back on track! The crew of The Blade has been on vacation playing Halo 3 for the past few weeks, and that vacation ended (for most of us, at least) last Friday. On Sunday, filming resumed, and some great warthog/ghost footage was captured. More filming will be done this Saturday, and there's more! At my last check, The Blade is the last Halo 2 machinima in production! Now, I'm not 100% sure about that, but until I find another machinima, or someone tells me otherwise (send this information to, I will continue to call The Blade the last of Halo 2 machinima, and the last of an era. Quite a title, don't you think?

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