Sunday, 12 August 2007

CG: Update

While creating CGI for The Blade, I thought I might release some pics and a teaser vid ;). These ships, are from the blade, and I have some specs on them XD

UNSC- Dawn Under Heaven:
The Dawn Under Heaven is one of ten UNSC Type S Halcyons that has stealth sensors and has enough power to take out 3 covenant frigates by itself. Dawn Under Heaven was also upgraded with honeycombed Titanium A and having a total of 40 archer pods which fire 5 archer missiles at a time when running at top power. The ship is quite manuoeverable in combat situations. She is currently under the command of Captain Diez, a capable captain who was well known for saving Admiral Jason Sonic during Harvest.

UNSC- Marathon Tempest:
The Marathon Tempest is one of the top UNSC Cruisers in the fleet. Currently stationed in Theleta System. It is also carries the leader of operations in the system, known as Admiral Blair. He has stationed the tempest here until he has completed his operation here.

UNSC Frigate- FFG 132- Nostradamus:
The Nostradamus is the Marathon Tempest's escort, converted into a screening ship which covers the more powerful warships in the fleet. The current head of the ship is Commander. Jamerson, a commander who fought in harvest.

And to finish, here is a small vid I have done for the blade XD.

Video sent by Gundam114
NOTE- BTW, I will finish the other images later.

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